To execute this, you will need a v60 dripper, v60 filter papers, a timer of some sort and electric SCALES


20g Coarse Ground Coffee (similar coarseness to French press) | 300ml filtered water

Water Temp: 96deg

60g - 45sec

60ml - 45sec

60ml - 45sec

60ml - 45sec

60ml - 45sec


  1. Once kettle is boiled, pre-wet the filter paper while it sits in the v60, this will prevent any paper starch flavour impacting your coffee, it also pre-heats the v60 to ensure a good extraction.

  2. Place the v60 over a pre heated vessel (cup or jug) then place 20g of ground coffee into the paper filter

  3. Start a stopwatch (on your phone is easiest) and pour the first 60ml, gently stir the bed of coffee, and wait 45 seconds. This step is called the BLOOM

  4. Repeat the 60ml pour after 45 seconds, but do not stir. Repeat this step until you have poured a total of 5 x 60ml, it should take roughly 3min 45sec

  5. Remove the v60 and enjoy!

This recipe is so flexible, it works for most coffees. The benefit being adjustable weights. Meaning if you want to achieve a better balance of sweetness from your coffee, you can do 50ml pour for the bloom, then a 70ml second pour. Likewise, if you want to achieve more acidity and bite from the coffee, you can do a 70ml bloom, then a 50ml second pour. You can even adjust the strength of the brew by dropping the final pour to 40ml or even 30ml. This will give the brew a silkier, juicier texture, which is desired for some coffees.

We offer a range of single origin coffees that SING with this recipe, particularly the Ngaita AA from Kenya. With notes of blackcurrant and peach, a bright acidity and a balanced sweetness, you’ll be making exceptional filtered coffee from the comfort of your home! If you have any questions or need extra information please don’t hesitate to contact me at

Happy brewing!

Tom Bamford (Head Roaster)

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